Tuesday, July 1, 2014

Clear the Air!

Yes, I've been continuing my bus riding all this time, but no, not with the frequency I'd hoped to. Y'see, my lifelong ability to sleep well at night has completely failed me in the last few months, leading to chronic exhaustion, and after the novelty of bus riding wore off, I was left with mornings like this:

Me, lying in bed: "Oooooh. I know I should get up to catch the bus, but I spent the last two hours tossing and turning--surely if I lie here for another 10 minutes I'll finally manage to get back to sleep and I can get in another 40 minutes of sleep before work. Surely it's worth a try, even though it means I'll have to drive to work? Sleep is soooo important!"

Me, lying in bed 50 minutes later: "Nope. No sleep and no bus. I'm so lame. Now I'm going to die of sleep deprivation AND Mother Nature hates me."

So I have two new resolutions:

1) get to bed by 10:30 each night, so that even if I still can't actually sleep more than five or six hours I can spend enough time in bed to get a decent amount of rest and be a cheerful and functional non-zombie

2) get my bus riding back on track by using the annual Utah Clear the Air challenge to harness my pride--because now if I don't ride the bus (or otherwise avoid using my car), all my Facebook friends will know I'm a huge hypocrite worthy of ridicule and maybe even a pie in the face.

So I've registered again this year for Clear the Air--y'all should join me! This year they even have a great smart phone tracking device you can use to ease the process of logging your trips. The program is a great way to help motivate us to not just decrease ozone pollution in the hot summer months, but get in the habit of thinking differently about transportation and improve our long term gettin'-around skills.....including making friends with UTA. It's fun to see the cumulative effects of all our small efforts, and dream of a future of cancer-free breathing and clear blue winter skies.

I'll see you on the bus.....or the sidewalk.....or the bike lane.....or the carpool lane.....or a solar-powered horse.....

Register Here! So Mother Nature won't stop washing your metaphorical underwear!

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