Wednesday, June 18, 2014

Old MacDonald rode the bus....

I couldn't tell whether he was sleeping or looking at his smartphone, but I hope he doesn't have a long walk from his farm to the nearest bus stop. Maybe that's why he's so tired. Too bad UTA doesn't provide a horse rack on the front of the bus for horse commuters like the bike rack they have for bike commuters.

Friday, June 6, 2014

Ms. Bullock drives the bus.

We'll call this rare AM posting penance for not following my own advice. UTA buses don't just run late (you can forgive a little lateness when riding the bus, given all the stops they have to accommodate)--they also frequently run a bit early. My rule for myself has been that the only way to be safe is to get to the stop at least two minutes early. Today I was only one minute early and missed the bus, and now instead of reading my hilarious G.K. Chesterton book, I have to get in my old stinky car and navigate through traffic. Bah.

But the blame is not all mine: I could see the path of the bus well before I got there, and it must have left that stop at least four minutes early, because otherwise I would have seen it pass by. Too early, UTA. Tell them to slow down, please.